Hate to say sorry again, but sorry. That's been quite the word in my vocabulary lately. But fuck it, not worried about it. Okay, so this summer has been nothing but a drag. And it's incredibly sad that I'm looking forward to school in three-or-so weeks.
I'm excited to start writing again, I'm excited to be a consultant in the center, I'm excited to be a TA for Mr. Callahan, I'm excited for poetry club with Jay. I'm mostly excited about applications though! Yes, finally. One more ACT then I'm set. I'm ready too.
I need to get going, there will be more another day when I'm not so tired.
Just catching up for now,
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Caught up.
I know I know, I'm aware of how many days it's been since writing. It's felt weird actually. I usually come on the computer and check this, to see if there's any comments (which I never have :p) but I seem to never have the time to catch up and write something down. I'm going to get into the habit of writing at least SOMETHING, anything at all. Even if I only have a few minutes.
Last time I wrote in here I was talking about James Patterson's books. And since then I've read two more (: snaps for me. I'm yet to start the third one I bought, I have to finish The Glass Castle first though, says mom. It's quite strange, but growing on me. We'll see. Anyways, summer's been lovely! To say the least. Spent last weekend in Pittsburgh, on the side of a mountain, and in the tiniest town [hardly] seen by the human eye. Took a run through Franklin Park, and across Washington Crossing. It was sort of cool, I guess. Saw lots of family which was nice and experienced some shitty weather on the backs of golf carts and ATV's.
I've realized that I need to find some things to waste (or take up) some time during these summer days. I can only extend my work out so much, and run errands for my mom. So I bought a cute-colored notebook-kind-of-thing at Barnes & Noble (the happiest place on earth, I wish I could work there, instead I work right next to it, convenient :]) and I've been trying my damnedest to start writing. Something that I've kind of always wanted to write, but I'm scared to start. I'm not sure where, or if, or how it will end, or begin, or keep up. I just don't know whether to try or not, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself, or...waste my time...or I don't even know.
I just want to say one thing, when I see people like Lauren Conrad? Or like, Sarah Palin? ...writing books just out of their asses? Like it's nothing, I find that to be bullshit. How does that make world-renowned writing look, those who spent years and years and years perfecting full-length novels to become best-sellers. And Lauren Conrad can whip one out of, literally, no where and get hundreds of copies on the shelves. Please...
Contemplating for now.
Last time I wrote in here I was talking about James Patterson's books. And since then I've read two more (: snaps for me. I'm yet to start the third one I bought, I have to finish The Glass Castle first though, says mom. It's quite strange, but growing on me. We'll see. Anyways, summer's been lovely! To say the least. Spent last weekend in Pittsburgh, on the side of a mountain, and in the tiniest town [hardly] seen by the human eye. Took a run through Franklin Park, and across Washington Crossing. It was sort of cool, I guess. Saw lots of family which was nice and experienced some shitty weather on the backs of golf carts and ATV's.
I've realized that I need to find some things to waste (or take up) some time during these summer days. I can only extend my work out so much, and run errands for my mom. So I bought a cute-colored notebook-kind-of-thing at Barnes & Noble (the happiest place on earth, I wish I could work there, instead I work right next to it, convenient :]) and I've been trying my damnedest to start writing. Something that I've kind of always wanted to write, but I'm scared to start. I'm not sure where, or if, or how it will end, or begin, or keep up. I just don't know whether to try or not, I wouldn't want to embarrass myself, or...waste my time...or I don't even know.
I just want to say one thing, when I see people like Lauren Conrad? Or like, Sarah Palin? ...writing books just out of their asses? Like it's nothing, I find that to be bullshit. How does that make world-renowned writing look, those who spent years and years and years perfecting full-length novels to become best-sellers. And Lauren Conrad can whip one out of, literally, no where and get hundreds of copies on the shelves. Please...
Contemplating for now.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
I've been completely and utterly obsessed with reading lately. And I love it.
Just going to throw out this suggestion, because I'm actually burning a CD and then off to Barnes & Nobel to buy some more summer books, but I just want to recommend James Patterson to everyone. The man is a God.
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. READ IT! Oh my gosh. I already passed it off to my best friend because I loved it so much, it made me laugh, cry, wonder. Everything that a big book is supposed to do. It also made me want to write my own even more. I've been thinking about it for awhile now, but don't know if I'm up for the challenge or not yet. But this definitely pushed me in the right direction. Oh my gosh I can't even explain how good it was. And then this morning I looked up more James Patterson books, and I have my list in hand to walk into the store with (: Judge me. Definitely.
I'm so excited to lay in the sun with my puppy and start these books.
But seriously...read it.
Swedish Days this week! (:
Happy for now, but might not want to be;
Just going to throw out this suggestion, because I'm actually burning a CD and then off to Barnes & Nobel to buy some more summer books, but I just want to recommend James Patterson to everyone. The man is a God.
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. READ IT! Oh my gosh. I already passed it off to my best friend because I loved it so much, it made me laugh, cry, wonder. Everything that a big book is supposed to do. It also made me want to write my own even more. I've been thinking about it for awhile now, but don't know if I'm up for the challenge or not yet. But this definitely pushed me in the right direction. Oh my gosh I can't even explain how good it was. And then this morning I looked up more James Patterson books, and I have my list in hand to walk into the store with (: Judge me. Definitely.
I'm so excited to lay in the sun with my puppy and start these books.
But seriously...read it.
Swedish Days this week! (:
Happy for now, but might not want to be;
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fools in the rain
Kay, I have to make this snappy because I need to get ready for work. But I really wanted to type out EVERYTHING that happened at the O.A.R concert two nights ago, but that would literally take all night.
To re-cap though.
We got to the gates around 5:15, and about ten minutes later they tell us that the storm is coming and the concert is post-pone until at LEAST 8 o'clock, when the gates were originally supposed to open at 6:30. So me, Alecia, and Natalie just said fuck it, because we had nothing else to do (even though we were in Chicago?) so we just took a seat and were planning on waiting it out. We met up with Mike, Tyler and Jake, and right when we found them, the crew came on the loud speaker again and told us to 'seek shelter' because the storm was coming and it was going to be real bad (60 mph winds and such). So have the crown went to the parking garage, and the other half went to this pavilion/bathroom/field house type place and just sat outside until it started to DOWN pour. We found three garbage bags between the six of us, so Tyler and I went in one, Jake and Natalie in the other, and Alecia and Mike in theirs. We were huddled together like that, up against this brick wall until almost 8:30.
We then heard loud cheering coming from the gates, ripped off our garbage bags and just BOOKED it over there. When we got there everyone was screaming, yelling, climbing the fences and shaking them, just going out of control. Everyone started chanting "let us in!" and eventually, some kid just yelled "are you guys letting us in or what!" and that's when the gates FINALLY opening and it was just a mad dash to the stage. With general admission tickets, you just find a place to stand and you don't let ANYBODY get in front of you. But with the immense about of drunken bitches around you, we somehow got pushed back to, God forbid, the second row instead of the first. Hah. It was literally the best, even though Natalie, Alecia and I got separated, Tyler and I still had a good time.
The concert finally started, and we all knew they would open with their song "Fool In The Rain" just for us. They were so happy that we waited out the storm, and thanked us many times. Since we were at Charter One, the concert couldn't go any later than midnight, and by the time it started it was already almost 10. So things felt a little rushed, songs were cut short, and they just stood up there and sang, there weren't any special light features or anything like that from the night before. That sort of stunk, but none of us really seemed to care. We made the best of it after being drenched. My camera barely survived, and my while standing in ankle high water, my flip flops are ruined. Who cares though, it was a great time.
Need to go get ready for work though.
Here's a picture to show how completely worthless it was to even try and get ready.

(: For now,
To re-cap though.
We got to the gates around 5:15, and about ten minutes later they tell us that the storm is coming and the concert is post-pone until at LEAST 8 o'clock, when the gates were originally supposed to open at 6:30. So me, Alecia, and Natalie just said fuck it, because we had nothing else to do (even though we were in Chicago?) so we just took a seat and were planning on waiting it out. We met up with Mike, Tyler and Jake, and right when we found them, the crew came on the loud speaker again and told us to 'seek shelter' because the storm was coming and it was going to be real bad (60 mph winds and such). So have the crown went to the parking garage, and the other half went to this pavilion/bathroom/field house type place and just sat outside until it started to DOWN pour. We found three garbage bags between the six of us, so Tyler and I went in one, Jake and Natalie in the other, and Alecia and Mike in theirs. We were huddled together like that, up against this brick wall until almost 8:30.
We then heard loud cheering coming from the gates, ripped off our garbage bags and just BOOKED it over there. When we got there everyone was screaming, yelling, climbing the fences and shaking them, just going out of control. Everyone started chanting "let us in!" and eventually, some kid just yelled "are you guys letting us in or what!" and that's when the gates FINALLY opening and it was just a mad dash to the stage. With general admission tickets, you just find a place to stand and you don't let ANYBODY get in front of you. But with the immense about of drunken bitches around you, we somehow got pushed back to, God forbid, the second row instead of the first. Hah. It was literally the best, even though Natalie, Alecia and I got separated, Tyler and I still had a good time.
The concert finally started, and we all knew they would open with their song "Fool In The Rain" just for us. They were so happy that we waited out the storm, and thanked us many times. Since we were at Charter One, the concert couldn't go any later than midnight, and by the time it started it was already almost 10. So things felt a little rushed, songs were cut short, and they just stood up there and sang, there weren't any special light features or anything like that from the night before. That sort of stunk, but none of us really seemed to care. We made the best of it after being drenched. My camera barely survived, and my while standing in ankle high water, my flip flops are ruined. Who cares though, it was a great time.
Need to go get ready for work though.
Here's a picture to show how completely worthless it was to even try and get ready.
(: For now,
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Gah, it's been so long! Ew, okay so with summer school, two jobs, and trying to redeem myself with the immense amounts of sensations from the beginning of this summer, this has just been truly and unbelievably BUSY! (Wow what a run on.) To slightly catch everybody up, summer school sucks. Quit one job, and continuing at the other. Wheather has been shitty, but looking forward to getting out of here soon, to places such as Pittsberg, and the condo in South Beach. OH! And to the O.A.R concert this Friday.
Wow speaking of O.A.R, leads me to speaking about damn good music, which also leads me to Ray LaMontagne. Literally, I know everybody's favorite song changes every single day, but this is seriously one of the best songs that I have ever heard. Alright maybe not EVER. But in a long dang time...a lot of you have probably heard it, but it's Hold You in my Arms. By Ray.
I'm just like, overwhelmed with happiness today for some reason, and I'm not quite sure why. But this is the most random entry that I've had in a long time, so I think we will just stop there and let the rest stay unwritten ;)
I'll bring more to the table tomorrow, I just can't really think right now...? Haha.
PS- My Dog Skip is seriously the greatest movie known to man, er well, known to Lindsey.
Exuberant for now!!
Linds (:
Wow speaking of O.A.R, leads me to speaking about damn good music, which also leads me to Ray LaMontagne. Literally, I know everybody's favorite song changes every single day, but this is seriously one of the best songs that I have ever heard. Alright maybe not EVER. But in a long dang time...a lot of you have probably heard it, but it's Hold You in my Arms. By Ray.
I'm just like, overwhelmed with happiness today for some reason, and I'm not quite sure why. But this is the most random entry that I've had in a long time, so I think we will just stop there and let the rest stay unwritten ;)
I'll bring more to the table tomorrow, I just can't really think right now...? Haha.
PS- My Dog Skip is seriously the greatest movie known to man, er well, known to Lindsey.
Exuberant for now!!
Linds (:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Bullshit? Well...maybe.
I never really understood the concept of 'Mixed Emotions' until a few nights ago. This weekend has been overloaded with mixed emotions, and hell, it's only Saturday night.
Like how you can sit perfectly through and hour and a half lunch with someone you haven't talked to in what feels like years, just to catch up, and think everything is fine -- and then have your friend tell you that a few days ago he mentioned something about 'hating me so much' in the hall to her after passing me and exchanging a few filthy looks...Interesting? More like bullshit... but maybe not bullshit. Maybe misunderstandings, or uncertainty. Make sense? Maybe not. Maybe this and maybe that, maybe it was just a bad day, or maybe not. Fuck it. I couldn't tell you, because hell if I know what's going through the sucker's mind.
And why is it that night time tends to send all the emotions and feelings on an uproar throughout your entire body? Literally though. Or when you're in your car, and there is no one on the busiest streets, and you sit at the red light even though you could run it perfectly and no one would know. That's always when things seem to be thought about more, and for once I'm not going to say "maybe that's just me" because I know that that is not just me. When the one song on your mix tape (ew that sounds so old fashion) comes on and seems to relate fully to your life, rather than how it just "sounded sweet" earlier that morning...
Who knows, maybe it's just these new CDs that Emma made me. They kind of seem to relate to anything and everything including myself. Sounds shallow, but trust me, they will probably relate to you some how or some way also. I'm just going to throw out some suggestions of Dave Barnes, Justin Nosuka, Matt Wertz, and DMB.
Oh! So Emma and I found this really urban...meh maybe that's not the right word...classy? coffee house in downtown STC, and judge me (I don't care), but I'm taking my Mac there tomorrow afternoon, getting a hot chocolate, and finishing my short story that I'll be sending to TeenInk, Renga and my creative writing teacher. Maybe this will be the key to me finally being able to finish those shitters....ha maybe not though (: Also, being so sick of STCN, maybe I'll come across some interesting people there, that would be nice.
A little bit on the edge for now,
"The sky was the limit." TP
Like how you can sit perfectly through and hour and a half lunch with someone you haven't talked to in what feels like years, just to catch up, and think everything is fine -- and then have your friend tell you that a few days ago he mentioned something about 'hating me so much' in the hall to her after passing me and exchanging a few filthy looks...Interesting? More like bullshit... but maybe not bullshit. Maybe misunderstandings, or uncertainty. Make sense? Maybe not. Maybe this and maybe that, maybe it was just a bad day, or maybe not. Fuck it. I couldn't tell you, because hell if I know what's going through the sucker's mind.
And why is it that night time tends to send all the emotions and feelings on an uproar throughout your entire body? Literally though. Or when you're in your car, and there is no one on the busiest streets, and you sit at the red light even though you could run it perfectly and no one would know. That's always when things seem to be thought about more, and for once I'm not going to say "maybe that's just me" because I know that that is not just me. When the one song on your mix tape (ew that sounds so old fashion) comes on and seems to relate fully to your life, rather than how it just "sounded sweet" earlier that morning...
Who knows, maybe it's just these new CDs that Emma made me. They kind of seem to relate to anything and everything including myself. Sounds shallow, but trust me, they will probably relate to you some how or some way also. I'm just going to throw out some suggestions of Dave Barnes, Justin Nosuka, Matt Wertz, and DMB.
Oh! So Emma and I found this really urban...meh maybe that's not the right word...classy? coffee house in downtown STC, and judge me (I don't care), but I'm taking my Mac there tomorrow afternoon, getting a hot chocolate, and finishing my short story that I'll be sending to TeenInk, Renga and my creative writing teacher. Maybe this will be the key to me finally being able to finish those shitters....ha maybe not though (: Also, being so sick of STCN, maybe I'll come across some interesting people there, that would be nice.
A little bit on the edge for now,
"The sky was the limit." TP
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Tres dias.
Finals are kicking me in the ass as we speak.
There is just no time for this.
My bad for now,
There is just no time for this.
My bad for now,
Sunday, May 31, 2009
The best.
I had an extremely busy day today, but it was like, the best. And I know that I'm going to get the best night of sleep ever, which is also the best. So today, in general, was...you guessed it...the best. Er well, sort of. If you took out the two pointless hours of work, and me accidentally throwing away my pickle from Panera, then it would for sure be the best. But we'll deal.
My dad and mom and I went on a bike ride today, on this new trail they built through this field across the neighborhood, it was so nice and secluded. It was right when the sun was going down, wasn't too hot, wasn't too cold. It was awesome, and I'm planning on doing it more often. But it made me think, a lot made me think today actually. For some reason a lot of little kids came into work today, and I came home and had to watch this crazy documentary that was focused on children, and to be honest, I hate kids. But in reality, being a kid is...yeah...the best, I guess. How cliche is that, wow, but I'm serious. I literally wonder, who got to decide when you are considered an adult, and when you begin to grow and get 'older'. Because personally, if I ruled the world (which would be the best) I would magically make everyone stay children until they were at least twenty or so. Like you would literally still look and act like a kid until you were that "old". It would be confusing and messed up as hell, but think about how friggen awesome that would be.
You wouldn't have to worry about making mistakes that could potentially eff your life up, or making decisions that could potentially eff your life up. Anything like that. I guess you wouldn't be able to do a lot of the fun things us teenagers do, and yeah, there is a lot of fun things, but I would sacrifice those to stay younger longer. Maybe...maybe not, maybe it's just today because of how I've practically been surrounded by little boys and girls today. But I thought I'd mention it.
I have been swamped with homework all weekend, and also been in a really weird mood. So I better just get to bed to sleep it all off. That would probably be best. PS -- Watch the Jesus Camp documentary, it will scare the shit out of you.
Exhausted for now,
My dad and mom and I went on a bike ride today, on this new trail they built through this field across the neighborhood, it was so nice and secluded. It was right when the sun was going down, wasn't too hot, wasn't too cold. It was awesome, and I'm planning on doing it more often. But it made me think, a lot made me think today actually. For some reason a lot of little kids came into work today, and I came home and had to watch this crazy documentary that was focused on children, and to be honest, I hate kids. But in reality, being a kid is...yeah...the best, I guess. How cliche is that, wow, but I'm serious. I literally wonder, who got to decide when you are considered an adult, and when you begin to grow and get 'older'. Because personally, if I ruled the world (which would be the best) I would magically make everyone stay children until they were at least twenty or so. Like you would literally still look and act like a kid until you were that "old". It would be confusing and messed up as hell, but think about how friggen awesome that would be.
You wouldn't have to worry about making mistakes that could potentially eff your life up, or making decisions that could potentially eff your life up. Anything like that. I guess you wouldn't be able to do a lot of the fun things us teenagers do, and yeah, there is a lot of fun things, but I would sacrifice those to stay younger longer. Maybe...maybe not, maybe it's just today because of how I've practically been surrounded by little boys and girls today. But I thought I'd mention it.
I have been swamped with homework all weekend, and also been in a really weird mood. So I better just get to bed to sleep it all off. That would probably be best. PS -- Watch the Jesus Camp documentary, it will scare the shit out of you.
Exhausted for now,
Thursday, May 28, 2009
People....I swear
Things can be easily misinterpreted on the internet, so to clarify, my title of this entry is simply to recognize the annoyance I have for most people right now. So it's kind of like, 'People...I swear to God...piss me off" sort of thing, instead of "People...I swear, I curse and I say 'bullshit' a lot." Just to clear that up.
This has been talked about in previous entries on my blog lately, but I would just like to address the situation that is at hand....that of which is....North High School. Okay, again with the make-outers, what the hell. I hate to be cliche (and everyone should know by now, how much I HATE being cliche) but get a friggen room. Even like, a classroom would be a little more appropriate than on top of my locker, infesting it with nasty's and shit, let's be serious? Pisses me off. Then, again with the bathrooms...I understand that maaaaybe if you're having a bad hair day and can't control the fly-aways, you can be in the bathroom for a certain about of passing periods. But literally, when you are in there to simply apply more than enough eye liner and (God forbid) STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR, you have just got to be kidding me. There are people that actually go into the bathroom to use it...you know...what it is THERE for.
And Mike made a good point today, me and Mags were probably bashing on some girl during lunch and Mike just simply says, why the hell do you guys care? And to be honest, who knows why anyone cares, because everyone bashs on everyone. And especially at SCN. But right now, it's just the fact that it's to the point where school is basically over, yet it's taking forever to finish up. Sooo, everyone kind of just hates everyone else right now? It's weird. But I swear I don't talk horribly about people every waking moment of my life, although when the last thing you want to do is stress or think about finals and border line grades, you find things in other people to talk about. Ha, how shallow. But hey, I'm just saying it how it is...because ladies I know I'm not the only one.
Which is partially why I did this little thing here called a blog, because it's an easy way to get out frustrations. And yes, it also keeps me writing everyday, but it helps most with just clearing my head and getting me focused on the next big step. Which right now, is my creative writing story that needs to be sent out shortly. And getting my ass out of Illinois.
Flustered for now,
This has been talked about in previous entries on my blog lately, but I would just like to address the situation that is at hand....that of which is....North High School. Okay, again with the make-outers, what the hell. I hate to be cliche (and everyone should know by now, how much I HATE being cliche) but get a friggen room. Even like, a classroom would be a little more appropriate than on top of my locker, infesting it with nasty's and shit, let's be serious? Pisses me off. Then, again with the bathrooms...I understand that maaaaybe if you're having a bad hair day and can't control the fly-aways, you can be in the bathroom for a certain about of passing periods. But literally, when you are in there to simply apply more than enough eye liner and (God forbid) STRAIGHTEN YOUR HAIR, you have just got to be kidding me. There are people that actually go into the bathroom to use it...you know...what it is THERE for.
And Mike made a good point today, me and Mags were probably bashing on some girl during lunch and Mike just simply says, why the hell do you guys care? And to be honest, who knows why anyone cares, because everyone bashs on everyone. And especially at SCN. But right now, it's just the fact that it's to the point where school is basically over, yet it's taking forever to finish up. Sooo, everyone kind of just hates everyone else right now? It's weird. But I swear I don't talk horribly about people every waking moment of my life, although when the last thing you want to do is stress or think about finals and border line grades, you find things in other people to talk about. Ha, how shallow. But hey, I'm just saying it how it is...because ladies I know I'm not the only one.
Which is partially why I did this little thing here called a blog, because it's an easy way to get out frustrations. And yes, it also keeps me writing everyday, but it helps most with just clearing my head and getting me focused on the next big step. Which right now, is my creative writing story that needs to be sent out shortly. And getting my ass out of Illinois.
Flustered for now,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Colored pens and graph paper
The day itself wasn't bad, just the work that it entailed was bad. For instance, my AP Language documentary project, my Journalism newsletter project, my Algebra 2 story board project, and my US History test that is three days before the final...is it just me or is there something extremely lame about that?
Well, I came home and sat my ass at the computer and finished mostly everything for my Journalism project, which wasn't too bad because I actually like doing that shtuff. I also wrote my outline for my Algebra 2 project, which Emma is coming over tomorrow to finish after work, gosh our story idea is so lame. I always feel so dumb writing children stories, that was in no way supposed to sound like I'm too good for that crap, it's just I sound pretty funny talking about a hungry caterpillar that keeps eating carrots, but doesn't want his friends to know that he enjoys healthy snacks! Bahah...it's supposed to resemble googol and googolplex, uhhh yeah..it's a work in progress.
Some good stuff did happen though, we got a good amount of rain which I always love (cliche, sorry) and I also, in the act of procrastination, went to target and got a new graph paper notebook. It might just be me, no actually, it IS just me. But everything seems to look better written on graph paper. Messier, and less-organized. Especially with colored pens, oh that's the best. AND when you press really hard and it goes through to the other side and it feels all nice.
Oh, and the lotion Kiley gave me in study hall still smells beautious on my hands (:
Undecided between happy, overwhelmed, stressed, and whatever else for now,
Well, I came home and sat my ass at the computer and finished mostly everything for my Journalism project, which wasn't too bad because I actually like doing that shtuff. I also wrote my outline for my Algebra 2 project, which Emma is coming over tomorrow to finish after work, gosh our story idea is so lame. I always feel so dumb writing children stories, that was in no way supposed to sound like I'm too good for that crap, it's just I sound pretty funny talking about a hungry caterpillar that keeps eating carrots, but doesn't want his friends to know that he enjoys healthy snacks! Bahah...it's supposed to resemble googol and googolplex, uhhh yeah..it's a work in progress.
Some good stuff did happen though, we got a good amount of rain which I always love (cliche, sorry) and I also, in the act of procrastination, went to target and got a new graph paper notebook. It might just be me, no actually, it IS just me. But everything seems to look better written on graph paper. Messier, and less-organized. Especially with colored pens, oh that's the best. AND when you press really hard and it goes through to the other side and it feels all nice.
Oh, and the lotion Kiley gave me in study hall still smells beautious on my hands (:
Undecided between happy, overwhelmed, stressed, and whatever else for now,
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Marley, Me, Nick and Norah

Also, I watched Marley & Me yesterday (in case you haven't noticed, this four day weekend consisted of really nothing but family and movies) and as cliche as it is, I watched it with my puppy. Hah! But what was weirddddd, was that both of them in that movie were mainstream journalists living in northern Michigan. And half the movie she was wearing Central Michigan running shorts. Coincidence? Not so sure. It's the exact lifestyle I want when I "grow up". The crowded offices, with all the desks pushed up against eachother in the big building, with journalists running around with drafts in their hands and ideas in their minds, asking eachother for advice, and then sitting down at their cluttered computers and typing up story after story after story. Everything in that movie (as far as the career goes) is what I want! Oh, but minus the clutter...mine probably wouldn't be cluttered with my unidentified OCD.
Or, another strange and ironic future-flashforward sort of deal, would be how I have to use the documentary "Shattered Glass" for a project in AP Language and Comp. You know, that doc. about Stephen Glass, the rediculous journalist who was sued for liable, considering 75% of his articles were all made up. But the way he lived and the place he worked in was literally perfect. Minus the time he spent thinking up topics to fake. But all the other crap, the meetings, the columns, Ahhh I want it nowww!
I guess I'm sort of fortunate for knowing what I want to do later on. Makes me real excited to see what's next. It's like everything is a step. High school is a variety of 'steps' though, like when you get on the treadmill at XSport, and it says 'enter time', you debate for a second, then push 60:00, next you just stand there and say 'fuck my life', push START, and cover the clock up with your sweat towel. I'm starting to cover up time with my sweat towel because no matter how much I think about what I'm going to do after college, I then remember there is another year of high school yet to come....Next step though, applying, acceptance, and just fricken WRITING my life away.
Woah, who is rocking the metaphors today? That's right.
[writing] for now,
Friday, May 22, 2009
Lovely weather, lovely day.
Despite last night, today was surprising. Surprising in a good way though, in a way that was almost like when I expected the worst, it made the good even better. Maybe that only makes sense to me, but it's like when you try some kind of food for the first time and you expect it to be really gross, and then when you actually eat it and it's good...it's like, really good. Like peanut butter and oreos. Try it. And once you try it, we can categorize my day today as "Peanut Butter and Oreos" good.
All in all, I was very satisfied that I was able to sleep until 11:30, boy can I smell summer. My dogs aren't used to my parents being gone though and having to sleep with me. So after sleeping until 11:30 as apposed to 6:00am, they were a little more hyper than I had hoped for. I'm talking bouncing off the walls hyper...figuratively speaking of course. Anyways, so I didn't end up going to school today, there really was no point, so I sat around until noon or so and then went and got my car washed. I don't think any one knows how obsessed I am with washing my car, especially the inside. But then I picked Emma up from school (haha, in my freshly cleaned car) and went to Panera where we sat for three hours and discussed our issues. Panera is basically like therapy, getting a text saying "Want to meet up at Panera for some lunch?" is like saying "Shoot girl I got so much shit to tell you, meet me ASAP." Or the texts that say "Oh my God, he literally is pissing me off so much" also tends to lead to "Broccoli and cheddar in a bread bowl with a side of the french and a small Mountain Dew."
After Panera we met Patrick at Starbucks with his friend, shoot I can't remember her name...but anyways, we just sat in the parking lot like hoodlums and talked. Went back home after that, teased my pups as if I were going to be home the rest of the day, and then walked back out to drive to the East side of town and go to the North vs. East baseball game where Ryan pitched a hell of a game. Met this girl from Grand Valley, Michigan, which totally proved the size of this tiny world. Went to grandma and grandpa's in Elgin after that with Jeff and Amanda for some pasta. Then drove home on the backrounds so that I could blare my Lifehouse CD and not be embarassed for belting out every song, even though I just told everyone on here, haha judge me.
...I could go on and on about today and how good it was. But I'll spare you (:
PS - I love the new glasses I got, except everyone at work is mistaking me for Karrie now. Hah, minus the sleave of tattoos.
"I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings. Coming down is the hardest thing."
For now, Linds.
All in all, I was very satisfied that I was able to sleep until 11:30, boy can I smell summer. My dogs aren't used to my parents being gone though and having to sleep with me. So after sleeping until 11:30 as apposed to 6:00am, they were a little more hyper than I had hoped for. I'm talking bouncing off the walls hyper...figuratively speaking of course. Anyways, so I didn't end up going to school today, there really was no point, so I sat around until noon or so and then went and got my car washed. I don't think any one knows how obsessed I am with washing my car, especially the inside. But then I picked Emma up from school (haha, in my freshly cleaned car) and went to Panera where we sat for three hours and discussed our issues. Panera is basically like therapy, getting a text saying "Want to meet up at Panera for some lunch?" is like saying "Shoot girl I got so much shit to tell you, meet me ASAP." Or the texts that say "Oh my God, he literally is pissing me off so much" also tends to lead to "Broccoli and cheddar in a bread bowl with a side of the french and a small Mountain Dew."
After Panera we met Patrick at Starbucks with his friend, shoot I can't remember her name...but anyways, we just sat in the parking lot like hoodlums and talked. Went back home after that, teased my pups as if I were going to be home the rest of the day, and then walked back out to drive to the East side of town and go to the North vs. East baseball game where Ryan pitched a hell of a game. Met this girl from Grand Valley, Michigan, which totally proved the size of this tiny world. Went to grandma and grandpa's in Elgin after that with Jeff and Amanda for some pasta. Then drove home on the backrounds so that I could blare my Lifehouse CD and not be embarassed for belting out every song, even though I just told everyone on here, haha judge me.
...I could go on and on about today and how good it was. But I'll spare you (:
PS - I love the new glasses I got, except everyone at work is mistaking me for Karrie now. Hah, minus the sleave of tattoos.
"I'm learning to fly, but I ain't got wings. Coming down is the hardest thing."
For now, Linds.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Overwhelmed doesn't even begin to explain...
I hate that my teacher loves me 8th hour. And I hate that I always have to offer to do things for her just so that I don't stress her out more than she already always is. Like today, when I offered to edit 4 other kid's papers, on top of the three others I was already committed to. All by tomorrow, nonetheless. And today was going wonderfully because Mom said I don't have to go to school tomorrow, but I'm starting to reconsider...Not.
Also, I have to have them edit my story, which I'm not even sure I'm comfortable with...Personally, for her sake, I think it's a waste of time because it's not even for class, and she knows that because I'm not even really a student in that class, more or less just someone who takes up a chair and doesn't look up once from her notebook the entire period (nerd...judge me) But let's be serious. That just adds more stress because now I have to make sure I have my story done by tonight, when really I don't even need it done, and I can continue writing it without those other people's feedback, which probably won't even be much, other than Jay's, because I love her.
I need my journalism newsletter finished too. Because again, Mr. Callahan is pretty much the nicest, so I can't let the man down considering he'll probably use it for SOME sort of example or something for the newspaper or whatever, like he does with pretty much ALL my work.
I might as well major in "The study of being Overwhelmed" at CMU, or BGU, or SIU, or OSU, or BSU (haven't quite picked) because I can hardly make it out of Junior year alive with all this work, which is so pathetic? And I'm sorry if there is someone reading this already out in college, listening to me complain about the amount of work I have. Go to the top left and click 'Next Blog' because I could go on all day...
Also, I have to have them edit my story, which I'm not even sure I'm comfortable with...Personally, for her sake, I think it's a waste of time because it's not even for class, and she knows that because I'm not even really a student in that class, more or less just someone who takes up a chair and doesn't look up once from her notebook the entire period (nerd...judge me) But let's be serious. That just adds more stress because now I have to make sure I have my story done by tonight, when really I don't even need it done, and I can continue writing it without those other people's feedback, which probably won't even be much, other than Jay's, because I love her.
I need my journalism newsletter finished too. Because again, Mr. Callahan is pretty much the nicest, so I can't let the man down considering he'll probably use it for SOME sort of example or something for the newspaper or whatever, like he does with pretty much ALL my work.
I might as well major in "The study of being Overwhelmed" at CMU, or BGU, or SIU, or OSU, or BSU (haven't quite picked) because I can hardly make it out of Junior year alive with all this work, which is so pathetic? And I'm sorry if there is someone reading this already out in college, listening to me complain about the amount of work I have. Go to the top left and click 'Next Blog' because I could go on all day...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Things that...for lack of a better word...sucked.
Today sucked. Only because it's Tuesday, and every single clock at school says a different time, so all day I had no clue what time it was. It could have been 10:30 in the morning, but the clock would say 1:15, which would make it feel like the end of the day, when in reality, it was only about fourth hour.
Today also sucked because of the fact that it's coming down to where we start to count the amount of days left before summer (thirteen to be exact). And even though it's that little, that makes it go by that much slower. And I don't even really count finals because that's not school, that's just unbearable hours of testing, that screws up your sleep schedule because you spend twelve hours in Panera, and it gets to the point where you are given free food because you are caught sleeping on the booths and basically look homeless. Ha! Just can't wait.
Now, the other part that sucks about today is that the time after I had gotten home from school flew by, but the time I was actually at school, dragged on. And lastly, the last and most importantly frustrating thing that SUCKED about today was how freaking annoying the kids at school get more and more every single day.
I swear though, I don't appreciate the making-out-ers that float around the vicinity of my locker, I don't appreciate the back of my flip flops getting stepped on going up the stairs. I don't appreciate you standing so close to me in the Link that I can hear you breathing (that freaks me the hell out) and my purse literally isn't that big, you don't need to hit it everytime you pass in the POD, none of those things are nessicary. Oh, and neither is straightening your hair in the bathrooms? Let's be serious, oh my gosh give me a break.
Frustrated for now,
Today also sucked because of the fact that it's coming down to where we start to count the amount of days left before summer (thirteen to be exact). And even though it's that little, that makes it go by that much slower. And I don't even really count finals because that's not school, that's just unbearable hours of testing, that screws up your sleep schedule because you spend twelve hours in Panera, and it gets to the point where you are given free food because you are caught sleeping on the booths and basically look homeless. Ha! Just can't wait.
Now, the other part that sucks about today is that the time after I had gotten home from school flew by, but the time I was actually at school, dragged on. And lastly, the last and most importantly frustrating thing that SUCKED about today was how freaking annoying the kids at school get more and more every single day.
I swear though, I don't appreciate the making-out-ers that float around the vicinity of my locker, I don't appreciate the back of my flip flops getting stepped on going up the stairs. I don't appreciate you standing so close to me in the Link that I can hear you breathing (that freaks me the hell out) and my purse literally isn't that big, you don't need to hit it everytime you pass in the POD, none of those things are nessicary. Oh, and neither is straightening your hair in the bathrooms? Let's be serious, oh my gosh give me a break.
Frustrated for now,
Monday, May 18, 2009
Driving Questions
Were studying 'driving questions' in Creative Writing, er well, my class is, I don't really do anything in that class (including learn) because I already took the class and am just an independent study now. Anyways though, I was thinking about how, sometimes, it can be so hard to think of a driving question for a good short story, yet we have SO many that we come across every single day. I have so many driving questions that I ask myself every morning, and every night.
A few, in particular, have been bothering me quite a bit lately. Most of them starting with 'what would possess you to...' or 'who on earth...' or simply -- 'what the hell were you thinking when...'
This is how much SCN is starting to bother me, even with summer around the corner, I still want out of here. For three months I'll be out of school, but I won't be out of STC. And as far as I'm concerned, that needs to change.
A few driving questions from today might be,
-Why would you take pictures of yourself in the bathrooms at school? Is it attractive to have light, salmon colored stalls behind you while you squeeze into an already-tiny plastic mirror with two or three of your friends who all happen to be there during the same passing period. OR better yet, when you're by yourself.
-Why can you be mad at me, but I can't be mad at you?
-What is so amusing about writing on people's cars with car paint, when there is 20+ outside of someone's house and everyone's inside at the party. Sorry you weren't invited? Nice way to get back at us.
-Why does this month's issue of Cosmo suck so much?
-When can I start applying for colleges, planning where to live, and choosing my courses so I can at least get excited about getting the f out of here, because right now it's all happening too slowly for me?
-How is it possible for there to be this many bipolar people in the world?
I could go on long enough for you to have to click over three or four pages before you got to the end of just this one entry. So I'll call it quits right there. But wait, favorite thing to happen this week --
(Me and Emma, lost on the way home from Schaumburg)
"Hey, we need to get back to St. Charles, are we in Naperville?"
"No, pull out of here, take a left at the light back to 59 then get off on the next exit, then you'll be in Naperville."
"No you idiot, I don't want to get to Naperville. I want to get the hell out of Naperville and to St. Charles!" Hahah.
For now, Linds
A few, in particular, have been bothering me quite a bit lately. Most of them starting with 'what would possess you to...' or 'who on earth...' or simply -- 'what the hell were you thinking when...'
This is how much SCN is starting to bother me, even with summer around the corner, I still want out of here. For three months I'll be out of school, but I won't be out of STC. And as far as I'm concerned, that needs to change.
A few driving questions from today might be,
-Why would you take pictures of yourself in the bathrooms at school? Is it attractive to have light, salmon colored stalls behind you while you squeeze into an already-tiny plastic mirror with two or three of your friends who all happen to be there during the same passing period. OR better yet, when you're by yourself.
-Why can you be mad at me, but I can't be mad at you?
-What is so amusing about writing on people's cars with car paint, when there is 20+ outside of someone's house and everyone's inside at the party. Sorry you weren't invited? Nice way to get back at us.
-Why does this month's issue of Cosmo suck so much?
-When can I start applying for colleges, planning where to live, and choosing my courses so I can at least get excited about getting the f out of here, because right now it's all happening too slowly for me?
-How is it possible for there to be this many bipolar people in the world?
I could go on long enough for you to have to click over three or four pages before you got to the end of just this one entry. So I'll call it quits right there. But wait, favorite thing to happen this week --
(Me and Emma, lost on the way home from Schaumburg)
"Hey, we need to get back to St. Charles, are we in Naperville?"
"No, pull out of here, take a left at the light back to 59 then get off on the next exit, then you'll be in Naperville."
"No you idiot, I don't want to get to Naperville. I want to get the hell out of Naperville and to St. Charles!" Hahah.
For now, Linds
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Sunday's sunshine and not the weekend's worries
Not a lot went on this weekend, but a lot still happened. But instead of re-capping or shall I say, complaining, about the not-so-good things that happened, I'll make a list of the wonderful things that the sunny Sunday brought to the bike shop, and at home.
Well, here we go.
-I got a short stack of banana pancakes from the Manor (where I used to work) this morning with the whole fam, plus I saw Antonio at the same time and in his Mexican accent he told me how hard it was for him to put in his contacts this morning.
-I had three birthday cards waiting for me when I got to work this afternoon. One of them on a giant piece of cardboard folded in half from a box that one of the bikes came in (so you can image how big it was) that said 'Happy Boithday Bitch' on the front of it. And then the other was on the back of a business card, that said 'Happy Birthday Lindsey' all backwards...which does take a lot of thought and concentration if you haven't tried it. And the other was some crayons and constructions paper from Greg, that was the best one. (:
-The Hemmingson brothers were real nice in the basement today at work also. Our misson: Giant paper airplane out of the bike boxes that we are going to sit in and fly over to GoodWill, ALL of the employees have to fit in it though...Oh, It'll happen.
-I got the best birthday gifts ever. And, cashed some long lost pay checks and birthday money which came out to be around $400.
And the only bad thing about today, aside from a few bigger and badder things that I'd rather not get into, was I picked the wrong day to wear my Mocks to work. I just had to type an entire transcript for journalism that came to about five pages, so before my fingers fall off....Peace!
Well, here we go.
-I got a short stack of banana pancakes from the Manor (where I used to work) this morning with the whole fam, plus I saw Antonio at the same time and in his Mexican accent he told me how hard it was for him to put in his contacts this morning.
-I had three birthday cards waiting for me when I got to work this afternoon. One of them on a giant piece of cardboard folded in half from a box that one of the bikes came in (so you can image how big it was) that said 'Happy Boithday Bitch' on the front of it. And then the other was on the back of a business card, that said 'Happy Birthday Lindsey' all backwards...which does take a lot of thought and concentration if you haven't tried it. And the other was some crayons and constructions paper from Greg, that was the best one. (:
-The Hemmingson brothers were real nice in the basement today at work also. Our misson: Giant paper airplane out of the bike boxes that we are going to sit in and fly over to GoodWill, ALL of the employees have to fit in it though...Oh, It'll happen.
-I got the best birthday gifts ever. And, cashed some long lost pay checks and birthday money which came out to be around $400.
And the only bad thing about today, aside from a few bigger and badder things that I'd rather not get into, was I picked the wrong day to wear my Mocks to work. I just had to type an entire transcript for journalism that came to about five pages, so before my fingers fall off....Peace!
Friday, May 8, 2009
Google yelled at me...
Things are starting to fall into place! But I don't want to speak too soon. I've come to my senses about a few underlying issues, and I may have made a decision. Unless, Murphy's Law, it backfires at me and goes horribly wrong; leaving me in a long and painfully unhappy lasting of my high school "career". Let's hope that doesn't happen, ha.
Submitted some shtuff to Teen Ink, hoping to hear back from them shortly to see if they will publish some of it. All I did was send in a few poems, just to see how the whole thing works, and then once that stuff gets either pushed aside or used, I'll send some short stories from my portfolio. Or write a few new ones...yeah I'll probably do that. You know how lately you can pretty much type anything into Google, and get pages upon pages of responces? Well, being curious/bored/juvenile/whatever you want to call me, I typed in "Topics for short stories". With my creative writing teacher breathing down my back every day in class to see what I'm working on, and whether I'm getting my stuff out or not, it was my last hope to get something started. I had a few ideas already in my mind, but I don't know, I just wanted to see what came up.
So, at first they all sucked. Every single thing that came up sucked. And it progressively got worse, and not once did I come across something that appealed to me, or would appeal to anyone sane? Then I clicked on one site, and all that came up was "If you are typing into Google what topics to write short stories about....you should not be writing short stories."
I felt horrible! Humiliated! I looked around my office to make sure no one was behind me who could see the website. I instantly shot my mouse to the red 'X' box in the top corner, grabbed my Indiana U notebook (where I write all my stories) and made a whole list of ideas on my own. Which, let's be serious, could blow all the other ideas off the internet anyways.
I was just bored, I swear! Hahah.
It was a good day.
Submitted some shtuff to Teen Ink, hoping to hear back from them shortly to see if they will publish some of it. All I did was send in a few poems, just to see how the whole thing works, and then once that stuff gets either pushed aside or used, I'll send some short stories from my portfolio. Or write a few new ones...yeah I'll probably do that. You know how lately you can pretty much type anything into Google, and get pages upon pages of responces? Well, being curious/bored/juvenile/whatever you want to call me, I typed in "Topics for short stories". With my creative writing teacher breathing down my back every day in class to see what I'm working on, and whether I'm getting my stuff out or not, it was my last hope to get something started. I had a few ideas already in my mind, but I don't know, I just wanted to see what came up.
So, at first they all sucked. Every single thing that came up sucked. And it progressively got worse, and not once did I come across something that appealed to me, or would appeal to anyone sane? Then I clicked on one site, and all that came up was "If you are typing into Google what topics to write short stories about....you should not be writing short stories."
I felt horrible! Humiliated! I looked around my office to make sure no one was behind me who could see the website. I instantly shot my mouse to the red 'X' box in the top corner, grabbed my Indiana U notebook (where I write all my stories) and made a whole list of ideas on my own. Which, let's be serious, could blow all the other ideas off the internet anyways.
I was just bored, I swear! Hahah.
It was a good day.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Thoughts and decisions leave me so indecisive.
So today has been full of little, discriminate, time-wasting decisions that are driving me insane. Whether it is something as simple as a yes or no, or something that is actually thought provoking and worthy of my precious time, they have been flooding my brain and I can't stand it!
For instance, I was in a really bad mood when I woke up so I really did not feel like sitting in the car with my mom on the way to school, so I questioned maybe just driving myself and 1) taking someone's parking spot in the range, and leaving them pissed off for the rest of the day, because then they would have to take someone else's, who would take someone else's...and so on. and 2) getting the pesky orange sticker on my driver side window, that even after the sixth time, still says "your car will be towed the next time you park incorrectly", and takes a bucket of hot water, a sharp razor and about a half hour to peal (better yet, pry) off. Although it still leaves that gross, sticky film behind.
Or how about deciding between a medium or small blizzard from DQ? What's worse? And in case you were wondering...I got the medium. Or, how about, what songs to put on my newest Tom Petty CD for my car? Or whether or not to text the one person I hate the most right now, or ignore him like he's expecting me to do. Or if going to the Manor for lunch tomorrow, and then Cheese Cake Factory for dinner on Friday is really a good idea...See! My mind is going to explode.
But let's be serious, this probably happens everyday, today I'm just a little more attentive.
On a brighter note -- 5 days until my birthday, 33 days until summer, but most importantly 43 days until OAR Concert!
"You wreck me baby, yeah you break me in two." PS- I'll probably put a Tom Petty quote at the end of all of these because the lyrics are starting to freak me out because of how relevant they are to me lately.
For instance, I was in a really bad mood when I woke up so I really did not feel like sitting in the car with my mom on the way to school, so I questioned maybe just driving myself and 1) taking someone's parking spot in the range, and leaving them pissed off for the rest of the day, because then they would have to take someone else's, who would take someone else's...and so on. and 2) getting the pesky orange sticker on my driver side window, that even after the sixth time, still says "your car will be towed the next time you park incorrectly", and takes a bucket of hot water, a sharp razor and about a half hour to peal (better yet, pry) off. Although it still leaves that gross, sticky film behind.
Or how about deciding between a medium or small blizzard from DQ? What's worse? And in case you were wondering...I got the medium. Or, how about, what songs to put on my newest Tom Petty CD for my car? Or whether or not to text the one person I hate the most right now, or ignore him like he's expecting me to do. Or if going to the Manor for lunch tomorrow, and then Cheese Cake Factory for dinner on Friday is really a good idea...See! My mind is going to explode.
But let's be serious, this probably happens everyday, today I'm just a little more attentive.
On a brighter note -- 5 days until my birthday, 33 days until summer, but most importantly 43 days until OAR Concert!
"You wreck me baby, yeah you break me in two." PS- I'll probably put a Tom Petty quote at the end of all of these because the lyrics are starting to freak me out because of how relevant they are to me lately.
Monday, May 4, 2009
The toob...it's a frustrating thing
Television never ceases to amaze me lately. You know how when you watch those 'True Life' shows, they always make you feel such pity for those people (other than the girls that fast on cottage cheese, or wish they could elude from the sex industry)? I think it's just to show those of us that of which are certified lazy asses, that we have it made.
I'm just glad that I'm not categorized in any of the appalling topics, that of which like "I dislike my small breasts" or "I'm getting implants" or "I'm unhappy with my new body" or "I have acne" or "I'm losing my hair" or "I can't sleep" or "I'm an alcoholic" or "I'm an addict" or blah blah blah, the list goes on...continual NEGATIVE things. Why would you want to showcase the horrible parts of life, let alone on national television? Confuses me.
Even Tyra! Okay don't get me wrong, Tyra is the HBIC (as New York would say...more television!) the head bitch in charge. And she knows what the hell is up. But being a successful supermodel, actress, tv show host, blah whatever else the woman does, you have to draw the line somewhere. For instance, I watch her everyday @ 4 by the way, but today they tied together -- A pregnant girl that worked for the Bunny Ranch, and the first woman in women's college basketball to dunk -- in the same show. I'm sorry, what? Let's be serious. Whatever, I'm still going to a show when I go to New York this summer, hah.
Then there is the weird obsession that everyone has with watching some rock star/bisexual/twins/wanna-be rockstar/and whatever else try to find "love". And what's the difference between an old, long haired, eye-liner wearing Brett Michaels falling for a penthouse pet (yes I watched the season...judge me) than a good looking, charming, "bachelor" falling for a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty? Lack of class maybe...to be honest I don't know. We can all make fun of Brett Michael, New York, or Tila Tequila on 'The Soup' -- yet no one bashs the bachelor or bachelorette (if that's even liable) ?
Something to ponder I suppose.
By the way...
"I'm not afraid of you runnin' away honey, I get the feeling you won't..."
...I'm tryin' Petty, I'm tryin'.
I'm just glad that I'm not categorized in any of the appalling topics, that of which like "I dislike my small breasts" or "I'm getting implants" or "I'm unhappy with my new body" or "I have acne" or "I'm losing my hair" or "I can't sleep" or "I'm an alcoholic" or "I'm an addict" or blah blah blah, the list goes on...continual NEGATIVE things. Why would you want to showcase the horrible parts of life, let alone on national television? Confuses me.
Even Tyra! Okay don't get me wrong, Tyra is the HBIC (as New York would say...more television!) the head bitch in charge. And she knows what the hell is up. But being a successful supermodel, actress, tv show host, blah whatever else the woman does, you have to draw the line somewhere. For instance, I watch her everyday @ 4 by the way, but today they tied together -- A pregnant girl that worked for the Bunny Ranch, and the first woman in women's college basketball to dunk -- in the same show. I'm sorry, what? Let's be serious. Whatever, I'm still going to a show when I go to New York this summer, hah.
Then there is the weird obsession that everyone has with watching some rock star/bisexual/twins/wanna-be rockstar/and whatever else try to find "love". And what's the difference between an old, long haired, eye-liner wearing Brett Michaels falling for a penthouse pet (yes I watched the season...judge me) than a good looking, charming, "bachelor" falling for a blonde haired, blue eyed beauty? Lack of class maybe...to be honest I don't know. We can all make fun of Brett Michael, New York, or Tila Tequila on 'The Soup' -- yet no one bashs the bachelor or bachelorette (if that's even liable) ?
Something to ponder I suppose.
By the way...
"I'm not afraid of you runnin' away honey, I get the feeling you won't..."
...I'm tryin' Petty, I'm tryin'.
Friday, May 1, 2009
These small hours...
"Let it slide, let your troubles fall behind you, let it shine, until you feel it all around you."
I've been doing way too many things for myself lately, and not really giving two shits about other people's thoughts or opinions, when maybe they're the ones that matter the most...or maybe not?
I can't make up my mind on whether to care a certain amount about what others are thinking, or tell everyone to kiss my ass and do it my way.
The one thing I hate the most is when people prance around saying "I don't even care what she has to say about me" or "I couldn't care less what people think about me", like they're putting up some kind of front. For what reason..I'm not so sure. I'm sorry, but let's be serious.. Everyone cares.
Especially me.
I've been doing way too many things for myself lately, and not really giving two shits about other people's thoughts or opinions, when maybe they're the ones that matter the most...or maybe not?
I can't make up my mind on whether to care a certain amount about what others are thinking, or tell everyone to kiss my ass and do it my way.
The one thing I hate the most is when people prance around saying "I don't even care what she has to say about me" or "I couldn't care less what people think about me", like they're putting up some kind of front. For what reason..I'm not so sure. I'm sorry, but let's be serious.. Everyone cares.
Especially me.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Running around!
I literally haven't even been home for ten minutes today between school and all these annoying prom errands.
First, it took us twenty minutes to get out of the school parking lot today, because even though what I wrote about yesterday happened, there managed to be a crash right as you pull out onto Rt. 31, then Tyler knew I had to go to the bathroom really badly so he took his sweet time getting to my house (asshole), then ten minutes later (there's the ten minutes that I could spend with Mia) I left for a manicure, then pedicure, then a quick stop at Starbucks for my Cafe Frap, then to Tyler's to pick him up, then off to Men's Warehouse to pick up his tuxedo where we sat for thirty five more minutes, then to Portillos because if I didn't eat within the next five seconds I might have croaked, then back to Tyler's to drop him off, THEN finally I came home.
....mind me, I did most of this with those annoying, little foam things they squish between your toes so they don't ruin the polish.
The one thing that made my day was Derek's description of his life working at Mickey D's during Journalism. And the [very feminine] kid at Starbucks listening to me complain about how we aren't sure what we're doing after prom yet and simply saying "Meh..whatever happens..there's still booze!" (:
It was a good day.
First, it took us twenty minutes to get out of the school parking lot today, because even though what I wrote about yesterday happened, there managed to be a crash right as you pull out onto Rt. 31, then Tyler knew I had to go to the bathroom really badly so he took his sweet time getting to my house (asshole), then ten minutes later (there's the ten minutes that I could spend with Mia) I left for a manicure, then pedicure, then a quick stop at Starbucks for my Cafe Frap, then to Tyler's to pick him up, then off to Men's Warehouse to pick up his tuxedo where we sat for thirty five more minutes, then to Portillos because if I didn't eat within the next five seconds I might have croaked, then back to Tyler's to drop him off, THEN finally I came home.
....mind me, I did most of this with those annoying, little foam things they squish between your toes so they don't ruin the polish.
The one thing that made my day was Derek's description of his life working at Mickey D's during Journalism. And the [very feminine] kid at Starbucks listening to me complain about how we aren't sure what we're doing after prom yet and simply saying "Meh..whatever happens..there's still booze!" (:
It was a good day.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
[fake] drunk driving accident at north
I would hope, but I'm not entirely sure, if every school in our area does this, but there was a fake crime scene/car crash outside of school today for all of the Juniors and Seniors to see to showcase the effects of drinking and driving. You could consider it an assembly I guess, but it was more so an 'informational scare-tactic'. It all has to do with Prom coming up and stuff, which makes it appropriate.
You are always going to have the bastards who laugh at the actors that are screaming in "pain", but for the most part everyone was...respectful. Scariest thing I heard throughout the whole thing, was that while I sat in class for the rest of the day, twenty eight people (ages 15-20) died in an alcohol-related accident. Your mouth kind of dropped, didn't it? Now I'm not one to stand up and tell the kids laughing to shut up or anything, but when no one goes to the back of the cafeteria and signs the 'Pledge of Sobriety', you know the impact was hardly there...which is often frightful.
I understand that when the Coroner is talking, and trying to make a point, yet all he is really saying is "when you're dead...you're dead...uhm...it's really real..." it's hard not to chuckle. It's just probably something none of us will take seriously enough until it actually happens.
Hopefully everyone still has a good time at Prom, with keeping some of the things that happened today in the backs of their minds...
You are always going to have the bastards who laugh at the actors that are screaming in "pain", but for the most part everyone was...respectful. Scariest thing I heard throughout the whole thing, was that while I sat in class for the rest of the day, twenty eight people (ages 15-20) died in an alcohol-related accident. Your mouth kind of dropped, didn't it? Now I'm not one to stand up and tell the kids laughing to shut up or anything, but when no one goes to the back of the cafeteria and signs the 'Pledge of Sobriety', you know the impact was hardly there...which is often frightful.
I understand that when the Coroner is talking, and trying to make a point, yet all he is really saying is "when you're dead...you're dead...uhm...it's really real..." it's hard not to chuckle. It's just probably something none of us will take seriously enough until it actually happens.
Hopefully everyone still has a good time at Prom, with keeping some of the things that happened today in the backs of their minds...
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