Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Colored pens and graph paper

The day itself wasn't bad, just the work that it entailed was bad. For instance, my AP Language documentary project, my Journalism newsletter project, my Algebra 2 story board project, and my US History test that is three days before the final...is it just me or is there something extremely lame about that?

Well, I came home and sat my ass at the computer and finished mostly everything for my Journalism project, which wasn't too bad because I actually like doing that shtuff. I also wrote my outline for my Algebra 2 project, which Emma is coming over tomorrow to finish after work, gosh our story idea is so lame. I always feel so dumb writing children stories, that was in no way supposed to sound like I'm too good for that crap, it's just I sound pretty funny talking about a hungry caterpillar that keeps eating carrots, but doesn't want his friends to know that he enjoys healthy snacks! Bahah...it's supposed to resemble googol and googolplex, uhhh yeah..it's a work in progress.

Some good stuff did happen though, we got a good amount of rain which I always love (cliche, sorry) and I also, in the act of procrastination, went to target and got a new graph paper notebook. It might just be me, no actually, it IS just me. But everything seems to look better written on graph paper. Messier, and less-organized. Especially with colored pens, oh that's the best. AND when you press really hard and it goes through to the other side and it feels all nice.

Oh, and the lotion Kiley gave me in study hall still smells beautious on my hands (:
Undecided between happy, overwhelmed, stressed, and whatever else for now,

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