Monday, May 18, 2009

Driving Questions

Were studying 'driving questions' in Creative Writing, er well, my class is, I don't really do anything in that class (including learn) because I already took the class and am just an independent study now. Anyways though, I was thinking about how, sometimes, it can be so hard to think of a driving question for a good short story, yet we have SO many that we come across every single day. I have so many driving questions that I ask myself every morning, and every night.

A few, in particular, have been bothering me quite a bit lately. Most of them starting with 'what would possess you to...' or 'who on earth...' or simply -- 'what the hell were you thinking when...'
This is how much SCN is starting to bother me, even with summer around the corner, I still want out of here. For three months I'll be out of school, but I won't be out of STC. And as far as I'm concerned, that needs to change.

A few driving questions from today might be,
-Why would you take pictures of yourself in the bathrooms at school? Is it attractive to have light, salmon colored stalls behind you while you squeeze into an already-tiny plastic mirror with two or three of your friends who all happen to be there during the same passing period. OR better yet, when you're by yourself.
-Why can you be mad at me, but I can't be mad at you?
-What is so amusing about writing on people's cars with car paint, when there is 20+ outside of someone's house and everyone's inside at the party. Sorry you weren't invited? Nice way to get back at us.
-Why does this month's issue of Cosmo suck so much?
-When can I start applying for colleges, planning where to live, and choosing my courses so I can at least get excited about getting the f out of here, because right now it's all happening too slowly for me?
-How is it possible for there to be this many bipolar people in the world?

I could go on long enough for you to have to click over three or four pages before you got to the end of just this one entry. So I'll call it quits right there. But wait, favorite thing to happen this week --
(Me and Emma, lost on the way home from Schaumburg)
"Hey, we need to get back to St. Charles, are we in Naperville?"
"No, pull out of here, take a left at the light back to 59 then get off on the next exit, then you'll be in Naperville."
"No you idiot, I don't want to get to Naperville. I want to get the hell out of Naperville and to St. Charles!" Hahah.

For now, Linds

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