Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I've been completely and utterly obsessed with reading lately. And I love it.

Just going to throw out this suggestion, because I'm actually burning a CD and then off to Barnes & Nobel to buy some more summer books, but I just want to recommend James Patterson to everyone. The man is a God.

Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. READ IT! Oh my gosh. I already passed it off to my best friend because I loved it so much, it made me laugh, cry, wonder. Everything that a big book is supposed to do. It also made me want to write my own even more. I've been thinking about it for awhile now, but don't know if I'm up for the challenge or not yet. But this definitely pushed me in the right direction. Oh my gosh I can't even explain how good it was. And then this morning I looked up more James Patterson books, and I have my list in hand to walk into the store with (: Judge me. Definitely.

I'm so excited to lay in the sun with my puppy and start these books.
But seriously...read it.
Swedish Days this week! (:
Happy for now, but might not want to be;

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