To re-cap though.
We got to the gates around 5:15, and about ten minutes later they tell us that the storm is coming and the concert is post-pone until at LEAST 8 o'clock, when the gates were originally supposed to open at 6:30. So me, Alecia, and Natalie just said fuck it, because we had nothing else to do (even though we were in Chicago?) so we just took a seat and were planning on waiting it out. We met up with Mike, Tyler and Jake, and right when we found them, the crew came on the loud speaker again and told us to 'seek shelter' because the storm was coming and it was going to be real bad (60 mph winds and such). So have the crown went to the parking garage, and the other half went to this pavilion/bathroom/field house type place and just sat outside until it started to DOWN pour. We found three garbage bags between the six of us, so Tyler and I went in one, Jake and Natalie in the other, and Alecia and Mike in theirs. We were huddled together like that, up against this brick wall until almost 8:30.
We then heard loud cheering coming from the gates, ripped off our garbage bags and just BOOKED it over there. When we got there everyone was screaming, yelling, climbing the fences and shaking them, just going out of control. Everyone started chanting "let us in!" and eventually, some kid just yelled "are you guys letting us in or what!" and that's when the gates FINALLY opening and it was just a mad dash to the stage. With general admission tickets, you just find a place to stand and you don't let ANYBODY get in front of you. But with the immense about of drunken bitches around you, we somehow got pushed back to, God forbid, the second row instead of the first. Hah. It was literally the best, even though Natalie, Alecia and I got separated, Tyler and I still had a good time.
The concert finally started, and we all knew they would open with their song "Fool In The Rain" just for us. They were so happy that we waited out the storm, and thanked us many times. Since we were at Charter One, the concert couldn't go any later than midnight, and by the time it started it was already almost 10. So things felt a little rushed, songs were cut short, and they just stood up there and sang, there weren't any special light features or anything like that from the night before. That sort of stunk, but none of us really seemed to care. We made the best of it after being drenched. My camera barely survived, and my while standing in ankle high water, my flip flops are ruined. Who cares though, it was a great time.
Need to go get ready for work though.
Here's a picture to show how completely worthless it was to even try and get ready.
(: For now,
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