Thursday, April 30, 2009

Running around!

I literally haven't even been home for ten minutes today between school and all these annoying prom errands.

First, it took us twenty minutes to get out of the school parking lot today, because even though what I wrote about yesterday happened, there managed to be a crash right as you pull out onto Rt. 31, then Tyler knew I had to go to the bathroom really badly so he took his sweet time getting to my house (asshole), then ten minutes later (there's the ten minutes that I could spend with Mia) I left for a manicure, then pedicure, then a quick stop at Starbucks for my Cafe Frap, then to Tyler's to pick him up, then off to Men's Warehouse to pick up his tuxedo where we sat for thirty five more minutes, then to Portillos because if I didn't eat within the next five seconds I might have croaked, then back to Tyler's to drop him off, THEN finally I came home.

....mind me, I did most of this with those annoying, little foam things they squish between your toes so they don't ruin the polish.
The one thing that made my day was Derek's description of his life working at Mickey D's during Journalism. And the [very feminine] kid at Starbucks listening to me complain about how we aren't sure what we're doing after prom yet and simply saying "Meh..whatever happens..there's still booze!" (:
It was a good day.

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